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Privacy Policy

We have the potential to gather information concerning you through various means. The type of information we might gather through the Application is contingent upon the content and materials you utilize, and encompasses:

We have the potential to gather various forms of information from you, including demographic data and personally identifiable information (like your name and email address) that you willingly provide when participating in different activities associated with the Application. These activities encompass engaging in chats, posting comments or messages in our forums, liking posts, offering feedback, and responding to surveys. It's important to note that if you decide to share information about yourself through your profile, online chats, or interactive sections of the Application, this data will be accessible to the public, as these areas are not private.

Additional data, known as derivative data, is automatically collected by our servers when you access the Application. This includes actions intrinsic to the Application, such as your location, likes, and other interactions with the Application, which are logged in server files.

In certain instances, we might request access to or permission for location-based information from your mobile device. This could be for continuous access or while you're using the Application, with the purpose of providing location-based services. However, if you choose to modify our access or permissions in your device's settings, these location-based services may stop functioning.

We may also request access to specific features on your mobile device, such as Bluetooth connectivity, and if you wish to adjust our access or permissions, you can do so in your device's settings.

Moreover, we may collect mobile device data, including details like your device's identification number, model, manufacturer, operating system version, phone number, country, location, and any additional data you decide to share. For the purpose of keeping you informed about your account or the Application, we might ask for permission to send push notifications. If you prefer not to receive such communications, you have the option to deactivate them in your device's settings.

Use of Information

Possessing accurate information about you empowers us to offer a seamless, effective, and tailored experience. Specifically, the information collected about you through the Application may be utilized for the following purposes:

Disclosure of your Information

We may disclose the information we have gathered about you in specific situations. Your information might be shared as follows:

Compliance with Laws and Protection of Rights: If we determine that disclosing information about you is necessary to respond to legal processes, investigate or address potential violations of our policies, or safeguard the rights, property, and safety of others, we may share your information as permitted or required by applicable laws, rules, or regulations. This includes sharing information with other entities for purposes of fraud prevention and reducing credit risk.

Third-Party Service Providers: We might share your information with third parties that perform services on our behalf or via our platform, including payment processing, data analysis, email delivery, hosting services, customer support, and marketing assistance.

Marketing Communications: With your consent or the option to withdraw consent, we may share your information with third parties for marketing purposes, as allowed by law.

Online Postings: Content you post, such as comments or contributions, within the Applications may be visible to all users and could be publicly distributed outside the Application indefinitely.

Affiliates: We may share your information with our affiliated companies, contingent upon their agreement to adhere to this Privacy Policy. Affiliates include our parent company, subsidiaries, joint venture partners, or other entities under common control with us.

Business Partners: Information could be shared with business partners to offer you specific products, services, or promotions related to the Application and its use.

Other Third Parties: We may share your information with advertisers and investors for the purpose of conducting general business analysis which are non-monetary in nature for company. This could also involve sharing information with such third parties for marketing purposes, in compliance with applicable laws.

Sale or Bankruptcy: In situations where we reorganize, sell assets, undergo a merger, or are acquired by another entity, your information may be transferred to the succeeding entity. If we cease operations or declare bankruptcy, your information could be acquired by a third party. You acknowledge the possibility of such transfers and understand that the transferee might not uphold the commitments in this Privacy Policy.

We hold no responsibility for the actions of third parties with whom you share personal or sensitive data, and we lack the authority to manage third-party solicitations. Should you no longer desire to receive communication from third parties, you're responsible for directly contacting them.

Tracking Technologies: We might employ cookies, web beacons, tracking pixels, and other tracking technologies on the Application to personalize it and enhance your experience. Your personal information isn't collected through these technologies upon accessing the Application. Most browsers are set to accept cookies by default; however, removing or rejecting cookies might affect the availability and functionality of the Application. Web beacons cannot be declined but can be neutralized by rejecting all cookies or modifying browser settings.

Internet-Based Advertising: Furthermore, we may use third-party software to serve ads, implement email marketing campaigns, and manage interactive marketing endeavours. This software could employ cookies or similar tracking technologies to optimize your online experience with us. For opting out of interest-based ads, you can visit the Network Advertising Initiative Opt-Out Tool or Digital Advertising Alliance Opt-Out Tool.

Website Analytics: We may partner with selected third-party vendors, like Google Analytics, to employ tracking technologies and remarketing services on the Application. These technologies, using first party and third-party cookies, help analyse and monitor user activity, gauge content popularity, and comprehend online interactions. By using the Application, you consent to your information's collection and use by these third-party vendors. Please review their privacy policies and contact them for queries. Personal information isn't transferred to these vendors.

It's important to note that obtaining a new computer, installing a different browser, upgrading an existing browser, or clearing browser cookies might also remove certain opt-out cookies, plugins, or settings.

Security of your Information

We employ administrative, technical, and physical security measures to assist in safeguarding your personal information. Although we have implemented reasonable precautions to secure the personal information you furnish, it's important to acknowledge that no security measures are flawless or invulnerable, and no data transmission method can ensure absolute protection against interception or misuse. Information shared online can be susceptible to interception and misuse by unauthorized parties. Consequently, we are unable to ensure absolute security when you provide personal information.

Policy for Children

We do not intentionally seek information from or engage in marketing directed towards children under the age of 13. If you become aware that we have collected data from children under the age of 13, kindly reach out to us using the contact details provided below.

Controls for Do-Not-Track Features

The majority of web browsers and certain mobile operating systems [as well as our mobile applications] offer a Do-Not-Track (“DNT”) feature or setting that you can enable. This indicates your preference for privacy, signifying that you do not want your online browsing activities to be tracked and collected. However, there is no universally accepted technology standard for recognizing and implementing DNT signals. Consequently, at this time, we do not respond to DNT browser signals or any other automated mechanism that conveys your decision to avoid online tracking. If a widely accepted online tracking standard is established and we are required to adhere to it in the future, we will apprise you of such practices through an updated version of this Privacy Policy.


Account Information: You retain the option to review, modify, or terminate the information within your account at any time by either:

  1. Logging into your account settings and making the necessary updates.
  2. Reaching out to us using the contact details provided below.

Should you request the termination of your account, we will deactivate or erase your account and associated data from our active databases. However, specific information might be retained in our records to prevent fraudulent activities, address troubleshooting issues, assist in investigations, enforce our Terms of Use, and/or fulfil legal obligations.

Emails and Communications: If you wish to discontinue receiving communications like emails or other correspondence from us, you can opt-out by:

  1. Specifying your preferences when registering your account with the Application.
  2. Logging into your account settings and adjusting your preferences.
  3. Contacting us through the provided contact information.

Regarding communications from third parties, if you no longer desire to receive such communications, it's your responsibility to directly get in touch with the respective third party.